2009. július 27., hétfő

30 - Low key

I still owe you some pictures of the former weeks, but today I made my very first low key photo. I was trying to find good subjects, but I failed with most of them. This one is somewhat acceptable, so I upload this. I think there's a long way to go in learning and experimenting low key, but it was an interesting excercise, I liked it.

Now being on vacation I will definitely catch up, but I will have limited access to Internet and Photoshop, so I may upload only two weeks later.

2009. július 20., hétfő

Trying to catch up again, three pictures at a time. From Friday I'll be on vacation, so more chances to use my camera... Looking forward to your comments and upcoming pictures. Cheers!

27 - Light

My son having bath in light

26 - Life

... not a really good one in captivity, though...

25 - Landscape / Nature

Although it is rather cityscape, I liked the clouds and the sun so much, I had to take this shot (or shots, as this is actually three pictures).

(click on it to view full size)