2009. május 24., vasárnap

21 - High key

Experimenting only.

Telling you the truth, the most difficult part was to convince my wife to be my model at 11 p.m. Playing in Photoshop wasn't easy either...

20 - Hands

This is my family. Little cheating, my daughter has both hands on the picture.

2009. május 10., vasárnap

Guys, I was busy with the birth of my son and the related things. I kept taking the pictures, but didn't have time to upload and write the stories, but now finally I catched up, please have a look and comment them! Thanks.
19 - Glass

Where there is a glass, there has to be a bottle as well...

18 - Food

This is something sweet that I prepared for my wife. It is called "bird milk" in Hungarian. It is made of milk and eggs (plus some almond slices, vanilla and cinnamon). This is a macro shot, with an external flash.
17 - Feet

Having a newborn son, I always have something to take a picture of, but this was especially the case when it came to feet. This is the difference between mine and a two-week-old boy's:

16 - Eyes

Couple of months ago I saw a stunning HDR picture. It was an eye with incredible colors. I tried to make it, but I have only trial version of Photomatix, so please ignore the text in the picture. The original picture is about the eye of my 8 year old son.

15 - Doors

I was planning to take a picture similar to this one, but didn't have the time for it. Once I went to Tesco for a quick shopping late evening, I went to the toilet and took this with my mobile phone...