Telling you the truth, the most difficult part was to convince my wife to be my model at 11 p.m. Playing in Photoshop wasn't easy either...
20 - Hands
This is my family. Little cheating, my daughter has both hands on the picture.
2009. május 10., vasárnap
Guys, I was busy with the birth of my son and the related things. I kept taking the pictures, but didn't have time to upload and write the stories, but now finally I catched up, please have a look and comment them! Thanks.
19 - Glass
Where there is a glass, there has to be a bottle as well...
18 - Food
This is something sweet that I prepared for my wife. It is called "bird milk" in Hungarian. It is made of milk and eggs (plus some almond slices, vanilla and cinnamon). This is a macro shot, with an external flash.
17 - Feet
Having a newborn son, I always have something to take a picture of, but this was especially the case when it came to feet. This is the difference between mine and a two-week-old boy's:
16 - Eyes
Couple of months ago I saw a stunning HDR picture. It was an eye with incredible colors. I tried to make it, but I have only trial version of Photomatix, so please ignore the text in the picture. The original picture is about the eye of my 8 year old son.
15 - Doors
I was planning to take a picture similar to this one, but didn't have the time for it. Once I went to Tesco for a quick shopping late evening, I went to the toilet and took this with my mobile phone...